In 2013, District 6 was found to be the worst for “failed” city roads.

  1. Remove and/or monitor Asphalt Hawaii Inc.’s 100% monopoly on liquid asphalt imports in Hawaii.  Require government contractors to use best practices and proven materials for road repairs, use independent inspectors to ensure contractors are doing it properly.
  2. Legislation should be passed requiring a minimum asphalt standard of 4 inches or more.  Another problem is spreading limited road repair money by using even a thinner layer of asphalt or not replacing the base under the asphalt. The latter process called road “rehabilitation” (replacing up to 15% of the base) or “reconstruction” (removing more than 15% base) is very expensive.
  3. Stop using car tires to compact pot hole repairs.  Pothole and road repairs need to be tested in a lab to ensure less than8% air content; potholes should be compressed with a roller and sealed to prevent water seepage.