- Property Taxes
- The Value of Properties is determined by annual assessment of fair market value.
- Property taxes are assessed on 100% of market value
- Property Owners living on their property can request an exemption deduction of $80,000, $120,000 if over 65.
- other exemptions include: Historic Residential, low and moderate income rental housing, military off-base, deaf, blind, church, Hawaiian home lands, etc..
- Each County has different property tax rates
- Current Honolulu County rates per $1,000 net taxable property:
- 1 Residential $ 3.50
- 3 Commercial 12.40
- 4 Industrial 12.40
- 5 Agricultural 5.70
- 6 Preservation 5.70
- 7 Hotel and Resort 12.40
- 9 Public Service 0.00
- 0 Vacant Agricultural 8.50
- Non-Residential Taxes
- Mayor Caldwell proposal:
- Create new property classification “Residential A” for luxury homes valued over $1 million that don’t claim homeowners exemption at rate of $5.50/$1,000. (wouldn’t hurt local luxury home residents)
- Should generate $26.4 million in revenue over 7,300 of these properties
- Hotels and Timeshares and IVUs:
- Military rentals and tax rates for off-base military housing.
- Various Taxes
- Some taxes are regressive (ex: fuel, waste disposal)
- Other taxes, while somewhat regressive, can be used to support desirable social policy:
- Water
- Raise rates on commercial users (ex: private golf courses)
- Raising rates on residential users as part of a sustainability policy
- Sewage
- Two rates: base rate and usage rate for commercial/residential
- The GET and the County Surcharge
- The County Surcharge is 0.5% in addition to the GET tax of 4%, only applies to Oahu transactions, and was implemented in 2007 to pay for the Rail.
- The GET tax is a 4% state tax on business’ taxable revenue, that is usually passed onto consumers at the legally allowed limit of 4.712%, often incorrectly called a “sales tax”. The tax rate is
- .15% for Insurance Commission,
- .50% for Wholesaling, Manufacturing, Producing, Wholesale Services, and Use Tax on Imports For Resale (AKA the “Use Tax”)
- and 4% for all others
- GET is a regressive tax since it doesn’t exclude food and medical services
- GET adds expense at every transaction, a cumulative effect, “double-dipping”
- GET and Use Tax generate roughly half of the state’s tax income $2.5 billion in FY2011
- Individual and corporate income taxes, tobacco and liquor taxes and the Transient Accommodations Tax also help fill the state’s general fund.