Testimony needed: SUPPORT Bill 85 CD2 and Bill 89 CD2
Honolulu City Council has a Zoning & Planning committee hearing of two vacation rental bills this Friday, June 7 at 10:00am at Honolulu Hale.
We strongly support Bill 85 CD2 and Bill 89 CD2, both submitted by Councilmembers Menor and Manahan, because we need strong enforcement of vacation rentals to protect our affordable housing.
We need people to come to the hearing and testify in person: register here. At last month’s City Council meeting, we saw how negative the pro-Airbnb side is willing to go and heard the lies they’re willing to spread. We need to pack the room on Friday and show our City Council that Hawaii’s families need affordable housing and want illegal vacation rentals to be enforced.
Submit written testimony to SUPPORT Bill 85 CD2 and Bill 89 CD2 before 10am on Fri. 6/7 using our email form BELOW.