Mon. 2/29: How much is our care worth? Town Hall
Registration at 5:30p
Program 6:00p-7:30p
Sacred Hearts Academy (3253 Waialae Ave, Honolulu, Hawaii 96816)
FACE and Caring Across Generations are organizing a town hall meeting on long-term care.
Their plan to ensure everyone in Hawai’i can care for our kupuna is making great progress. It’s time to bring the plan to the next level by showing our elected officials how much we support long-term care.
Join elected officials, activists, advocates, and experts for a town hall meeting at Sacred Hearts Academy to encourage our elected officials to make this bill a priority.
SB 2478’s chief sponsor, Senator Roz Baker, will speak about how she developed the plan and how we can make sure it passes. Community members will share their stories of how this plan will affect their families. And there will be plenty of time for questions — so you can have your say as well.
The event is free and open to the public, and there is plenty of free parking at Sacred Hearts.
Want to learn more about the legislation? Visit