(Health Talk) – By Hesh Goldstein. When we talk about “power to the people”, the thought of a revolution comes to mind. When we think of a revolution we think of the masses in the streets carrying weapons of all sorts going up against corrupt government officials and agencies. It makes for a good movie but for a reality disaster.

(The Trojan Times) – By Kiana Caranto. In an attempt to get teachers an improved contract and give them better conditions in and out of the classroom, students and teachers part of an organization called Aikea Hawaii spoke out at the Hawaii State Teachers Association (HSTA) Rally held at the State Capitol on March 14.

(Hawaii Independent) – By Ikaika M. Hussey. Last week, both houses of the state legislature voted to repeal the Public Lands Development Corporation. The fall of PLDC illustrates the potency of grassroots organizing, and the way in which the public can give leadership to elected officials.

(Hui for Environmental Politics in Hawaii) – DAY OF ACTION TO REPEAL PLDC: Sat Jan 26 9 AM -1 PM We are planning our first day of action to repeal the PLDC for Saturday, January 26th from 9 – 1 PM. Anyone can form an action team or join one of ours. If you would like to participate, please attend the Action Team Meeting.

(Hawaii Independent) – By Ikaika M. Hussey. Aikea, a grassroots coalition led and organized by UNITE HERE Local 5, announced today that it will take on one of Hawaii’s most powerful politicians: Calvin Say, the speaker of the State House.